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Meatballs with mozzarella

Ingredients: 200 g of shelled fresh fava beans, 300 g of mozzarella cheese, 100 g grated Parmesan cheese, an egg, a sprig of parsley, a sprig of mint, a sprig of basil, bread crumbs, half a lemon, 4 tablespoons olive oil extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper.

Private skins of the beans and blanch for 5 minutes in boiling salted water. Dry the mozzarella with paper towel, chop coarsely and shake it together with the egg, Parmesan cheese and a handful of parsley leaves, basil and mint, washed and chopped. Salted everything. Let the mixture with so many balls the size of a walnut and roll them in the breadcrumbs.
Heat the oil in a frying pan and sear 4 slices of lemon. Add the meatballs and let them brown, then add the beans also, warm them for a few moments stirring up the pan, plenty of pepper, remove from heat and serve immediately.

Pancakes with "caciocavallo" cheese
Ingredients: 200 g of "caciocavallo" cheese, 4 eggs, 200 g of bread crumbs , 1 pinch of parsley leaves , nutmeg , flour, cooking oil , salt and pepper.

Let it dry breadcrumbs in a pan without letting him take color, then let it cool. Cut the cheese into small pieces , washed, dried and chopped parsley. Recombine them in a bowl, add a little grated nutmeg and 3 eggs, beaten apart with a pinch of salt and pepper. Mix all the ingredients until you should have a bound compound , divide into many balls as big as an egg, distribute them on the floured work surface , flatten with the palm of the hand and dredge in flour . Beat the remaining egg with a pinch of salt out and share the halves ; fry , a few at a time, in oil very hot, but not smoking , enough to cover them . Turn them with a spatula , drain on absorbent paper and , when they are all ready , transfer to warm serving dish and serve immediately .

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